🎯Monitoring and Analyzing HTTP Requests in Flutter with dio_request_inspectore

Bayu Nugroho
3 min readJun 27, 2023

As a Flutter developer, it’s crucial to have tools that facilitate monitoring and analyzing HTTP requests in your applications. This is where the dio_request_inspector package comes into play. In this article, we’ll explore how to use dio_request_inspector to enhance your debugging process and gain valuable insights into your network interactions.

What is dio_request_inspector?

dio_request_inspector is a powerful Flutter package that works in conjunction with the popular Dio package. It provides real-time monitoring and analysis of HTTP requests made by your Flutter application. With its comprehensive features, you can track, review, and troubleshoot your network requests effectively.

đź’ˇ Key Features

  1. Real-Time Monitoring

dio_request_inspector allows you to monitor your HTTP requests in real time. This means you can observe the requests as they are made, enabling you to gain immediate insights into the communication between your Flutter app and the server.

2. Detailed Request Information

You can access detailed information about each request, including the request URL, method, headers, and payload data. This level of granularity allows you to inspect the exact data being sent and received, aiding in understanding and debugging the network interactions.

3. Filtering and Searching

The package offers powerful filtering and searching capabilities. You can filter requests based on various criteria such as URL, method, or status code. This feature helps you locate specific requests quickly and efficiently, making it easier to pinpoint and resolve issues.

4. Easy Integration

Integrating dio_request_inspector into your existing Flutter project is a breeze. Simply add the package as a dependency, wrap your Dio instance with the DioRequestInspector class, and start monitoring your requests. The package seamlessly integrates with your existing codebase, allowing you to quickly leverage its features.

🎓 Getting Started

You can use the command to add dio_request_inspector as a dependency with the latest stable version:

dart pub add dio_request_inspector

Or you can manually add dio_request_inspector into the dependencies section in your pubspec.yaml:

dio_request_inspector: ^replace-with-latest-version


1. Create DioRequestInspector instance

DioRequestInspector dioRequestInspector = DioRequestInspector(isDebugMode: true);

2. Add DioRequestInterceptor to your Dio instance


3. Wrap your MaterialApp with DioRequestInspectorMain

DioRequestInspectorMain(inspector: dioRequestInspector, child: MyApp())

4. add NavigatorKey to your MaterialApp for direct to Inspector UI

navigatorKey: dioRequestInspector.navigatorKey,

🎓 Output

You will be able to see the logs when your long press the screen

🎯 Conclusion

With the dio_request_inspector package, monitoring and analyzing HTTP requests in your Flutter applications has never been easier. Its real-time monitoring, detailed request information, and powerful filtering capabilities empower you to gain valuable insights into your network interactions, leading to more efficient debugging and troubleshooting.

Next time you’re working on a Flutter project that involves network communication, consider integrating dio_request_inspector to streamline your development process and ensure a smooth user experience.

Get started with dio_request_inspector today and take control of your HTTP requests in Flutter!

Feel free to leave comments below if you have any questions or share your experience using dio_request_inspector. We’re here to assist you.

Thank you for reading this article ❤️, and we hope it has been helpful to you. Happy Flutter development with dio_request_inspector!



Bayu Nugroho

Passionate programmer obsessed with perfection. Enjoys creating web and mobile applications, exploring music, technical blogging, and more.