In building a business, we have to prepare many things. I am sure, a successful business must have a good plan.
Therefore, a business plan is an important thing to make before building a business. Just go ahead, what is the business plan?
A business plan or business plan is a formal and written statement regarding the goals of a business and how to achieve these goals
In fact, many people fail to make a business plan when they are going to do business. Some people believe that what is important from a business is just running it.
Do you agree with this statement?
In my personal opinion, I totally agree when doing business one of the most important things is to run it.
But a path without a plan is an act that is not wise. Can creating a business plan or business plan guarantee the business will be successful? Of course there is no certainty :D
okay, let’s start with the BUSINESS PLAN WRITING FORMAT
- Business Plan Form:
- A4 paper
- Left margin 3 cm, top 2.5 cm right 2.5 cm and bottom 2.5 cm
- Times New Roman font 12
- Space 1.5
- The number of pages is not limited
- Made as creative as possible
- Uploaded in pdf format
2. Power point presentation (Pitch Deck) for finalists with the format:
- Problem, explains about the background of the reason for taking the business
- Solution, describes the solution from the background of the problem at hand
- Target Market, the target market is a group of consumers or customers who are specifically targeted by marketing efforts for a company.
- Market size, Market size is a measure of whether your business is worth running or not. The bigger the market size obtained, the more feasible your business is to run. Market Size aims to predict the number of potential users and the revenue that will be obtained later. Market Size is also an important element when you are looking for investors. Usually they ask this question of the startup / business owner who will be investing.
- Value Proposition, Value proposition is the reason why customers choose us over others. One of the good value propositions is the benefit that solves customer problems. Each value proposition is designed to meet the needs of the customer.
- Reveneu Stream, Reveneu Stream is a stream of income that goes into our company. What comes in the form of payment to the company from consumers is called reveneu stream
- Go to Market. Strategy Go to Market Strategy is an action plan that defines how the company will reach its target customers and achieve a competitive advantage
- Competitors, Competitors are competitors in our business.
- Core team, Core team is a Core Team that is built because it has the same vision and mission, the same spirit and spirit, the same direction and goals, the same commitment and dedication, willing to work together, and together want to work towards common goals.
- Advisor, Advisor is a person / team or other company who provides advice (advisors) in our business.
- Achievement, Achievement is a dream that has been achieved in business.
- Milestone, a milestone is a dream that you want to achieve that is done with maximum effort or hard work by recording important phases (dreams) in a business and more than that. Example: cooperating with 25 local brands, owning a website, getting 3300 transactions.
3. Business Plan Format
Make Cover as attractive and creative as possible. Cover must represent the character of the business in the business plan. In general, one of the functions of a business plan is as a proposal to negotiate with other parties such as investors. Cover must consist of:
- Logo, Logo will represent business characters in graphic form. Consulting an expert will give you the possibility of a better logo display.
- Business Name, Business Name must also be clearly stated. Naming should be kept as simple as possible so that it is easier to remember and pronounce.
- Contact Address, Address is needed to provide opportunities for anyone (potential investors) to contact, as well as provide a statement to potential investors that this business has a clear office and can be officially contacted.
Contains a brief description of the business in this Business Plan. Overview consists of:
- Business Background The background why this business is (to be) established. Or you can mention why this business idea emerged (for businesses that are not yet running).
- Vision & Mission, Vision Statement (aspirations to be achieved (long term) and Mission (steps taken to achieve the vision that has been set).
- Product Description, a brief description of the product (business) is needed to provide a brief explanation to potential investors about this business.
- Organization Structure, the organizational structure must be stated so that potential investors can see the level of maturity of this business actor as an organization, which can be seen from the clarity of the organizational structure and the filling of posts in the organizational structure according to the capacity and tasks that must be done.
- Layout Business Model Canvas
a. Key Partners Mention who will work with the business to be carried out (partners) and explain the functions of the selected partner. Key Partnership is used to strengthen and stabilize the business so that the business is always stable. Example: Raw material seller, equipment seller, distributor, etc.
b. Key Activities Write and explain important activities in running a business. Key Activities are activities that support the success of the company in carrying out business activities. Example: how to keep the production process running, build relationships, and get the product into the hands of consumers.
c. Key Resources List and describe the essential resources needed for the business to run. Key resources can be in the form of physical, financial, intellectual, or human objects. Key resources can be owned by companies or in collaboration with key partners. Key resources can be grouped into: 1. Raw materials and tools: raw materials for tools used in making the products being offered. Example: tools needed for stoves, pans, etc. 2. Labor: analysis of human resources used in the continuity of the production, distribution and marketing processes.
d. Value propositions Value propositions (added value provided to customers) consist of products and services that can add added value to a specific segmentation. For customers, value propositions are manifested in the form of solving problems faced or fulfilling consumer needs. Value propositions contain the advantages of a product / service which makes the reason why customers prefer the product or service offered over other products / services. Value propositions are innovative which offer something new or modified from products / services already on the market.
e. Customer Relationship Describes how companies communicate (relate), build relationships, and build loyalty with consumers. Customer relationship also helps consumers in obtaining the products / services offered. Example: selling using a moving car, opening a booth at an exhibition, and others.
f. Channels Channels includes all entities that can be used to send your Value prepositions to the specified customer segment. Or in other words, how do you deliver your product or service to consumers. Examples: setting up outlets, promoting via social media, etc. Channels consist of: 1. Awarness Channel Describes how consumers know your product and the reasons for choosing it. 2. Purchasing Describes how consumers can buy your product and the reasons for selecting the channel
g. Customer Segment Describes the characteristics of market segmentation that will be the target of selling products or services. Segmentation is the grouping of individuals into groups or categories that have relatively the same traits, behaviors, or characteristics when compared to others. Customer Segments contain parties who use / buy goods (products) / services from companies that are run or parties that contribute to providing income to the company. This will make it easier to carry out further analysis in order to determine the right market segment. Example: Customer Segments from taro chips, namely students, housewives, etc.
h. Cost Structures Write down and explain what things are the main costs or burdens for the company. In addition, the cost structure contains all the details of the costs that are incurred or incurred to run this business model. Examples: research costs, operational costs, promotions, employee salaries, etc.
i. Revenue Streams Revenue streams describe how the company will get revenue from a defined market segment. How many channels of income can be used and how the income mechanism is created. Example: franchise, lease, subscription, cash, credit, and so on.
Financial Plan
a. Business Preparation Budgets Items that must be displayed: Fixed Costs include: Rental Place (self-determined time period), Purchase of Equipment, Renovation of Business Places, Licensing Overhead Costs include: Spending for raw materials and stock, Employee Wages, Production Costs, marketing costs.
b. Business Execution Budgets Costs for business opening processes, such as launching (if any)
c. Break Event Point In this section, you will provide an overview of potential investors when this business will break even (BEP), so that potential investors have an overview of the future development of this business.
d. Profit / Revenue Sharing This section will provide information to potential investors about the investment mechanism they will undertake. You can apply for various types of agreements, but in the end it will depend on mutual agreement.